The Japanese Institute of Global Communications (J.I.GLOCOM) attempts to provide a virtual place, namely, the GLOCOM Platform (www.glocom.org), and exchange views with their counterparts overseas on issues relating to Japan's domestic and international affairs. It is also intended to check and correct misunderstandings or misinformation about Japan as reported overseas in a timely manner.
Topics to be covered are not restricted to any particular field, but ranging from international relations to politics, economics, information technology, and occasionally social and cultural issues. Our activities include not only online web postings of articles, videos and newsletters, but also offline seminars and forums held in Japan as well as overseas.
There are many English language forums for the expression of opinions and critiques by non-Japanese on national and international affairs as they impact Japan, and on Japanese culture and society, but comparatively few opportunities for English speakers to gain access to such opinions and perspectives from native Japanese. The central reasons for this imbalance are language differences and the lack of access by many non-Japanese to news in English of daily events or current issues in Japan. The goal of the GLOCOM Platform is to clear these barriers by widely disseminating in English the perspectives of Japanese social critics, academics, businesspersons, government officials, mass media, and other experts using the Internet.
We hope that this growing fund of informative resources will contribute to the understanding of persons outside Japan of what issues are important to the Japanese people, and provide evidence of the various positions in Japan on these issues.
JIGlocom is steered by the following Core Committee:
Core Committee: |
Masahiko AOKI, Professor Emeritus, Stanford University
Toyoo GYOHTEN, President, Institute for International Monetary Affairs
Yotaro KOBAYASHI, Chairman of the Board, Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
Jiro USHIO, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, USHIO INC.
Takashi INOGUCHI, Professor, Chuo University
Advisor: Sohei NAKAYAMA, Senior Advisor, International University of Japan
Managing Committee:
Takahiro MIYAO (Chairman)
Toshihiko SAJI
Kiyofuku CHUMA
Takahiro MIYAO (Institute Head)
Mikihiro MAEDA (Administrative Chief)
List of Activities:
Web Activities:
- Opinions: Position papers written by opinion leaders
- Debates: Discussions and comments by specialists
- Media Reviews: Critical reviews on news about Japan
- Tech Revies: Reviews on Japan's frontier technologies
- Special Topics: Papers and reports on special issues
- Books & Journals: Book reviews and journal abstracts
- Newletters: Monthly newsletter in Japanese
- Japan in the News: Links to news on Japan overseas
- Video Series: Video streaming of seminars and interviews
Mail Activities:
- Mail Magazine: Weekly mail magazine in English and Japanese
Offline Activities:
- Seminars: Monthly seminars on media and technology issues
- Forums: Annual forums in Japan as well as overseas