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Debate: Forum

Tokyo Forum on Women and Foreign Nationals in Information Society

The following is a summary of the keynote speech by Professor Saskia Sassen at the Tokyo Forum on October 16, 2001

Women and Information Technologies

Saskia Sassen (Ralph Lewis Professor of Sociology, University of Chicago and Centennial Visiting Professor, London School of Economics)

Table 4: Technology and Women-Oriented Email Listserves (Electronic Forums)(similar lists for various other subjects exist but are not included in this table)
Name Funciton
AFRO-TECHIES Discussion group for technically inclined women of African descent seeking to expand the experience and knowledge of black women in technology.
ASA-WOMEN-IT Discussion of issues and concerns relationg to women in Asia and the new global information and communication technology
A-WIA (American Womens's Internet Association) Organization and list for American women and their supporters "actively involved within the internet environment."
CONFERENCE-L List for discussion before and during the Women's Internet Conference (Oct. 18-21, 1997)
CYBORG-L Run by "Women on the Net," a UNESCO-SID project to provide a multicultural gender perspective on international communication systems.
FACES Cyber-Resource and International mailin list for women interested in the media and communication arts to share projects, exhibits, critical opinions, and text.
FEMINAMAIL Affiliated with women-oriented serach engine Femina; weekly update to Femina database
FEMINANET List to ask for help finding online sites for both personal, work-related, and academic interests
GK97-GENDER Connected to Global Knowledge 97 Conference; focuses on gender issues related to knowledge and information technologies.
GRANITE Platform for discussion to stimulate research from a feminist/women's perspective of gender and new information technologies
GRRLTALK discussion of GNU/Linux operating system, Open Source Software movement, Free Software Foundation, etc
ISOC-WOMEN-DISCUSS discussing access to the internet and information
KNOWHOWCONF to follow KnowHow Conference
MAC-WOMEN Macintosh help forum
MAIDEN-L for women new to the internet who need help
NOWA.INTERNATIONAL for women who provide computer training to women, dealing with issues to gaining access to new technolohy, women-specific training, and a general networking medium
SPIDERWOMEN forum for women who manage and/or design website
UHURA collaborative research projcet online, for women researching some aspect of the net
VS-ONLINE-STRAT forum for issues related to women's organizations' utilizatin of electronic communication and publishing technologies
WEBWOMEN-CHAT non technical list for women on the web, "to keep the chatter away from the focused, technical lists"
WEBWOMEN-GRAPHICS anything related to the creation and/or manipulation of comupter graphics
WEBWOMEN-HTML for women web-content developers
WEBWOMEN-TECH for women who manage the technical aspects of web sites
WISDOM Women's Internet Site Development and Online Mentoring for Australian women and others interested in internet literacy
WOMEN-L discussing women's issues with a focus on the internet and technology
WOMEN IN TECHNOLOGY both local and national throuhg the list organization Tropica
WOMEN OF KALI moderated list for discussions of feminist politics esp. conecerning misogyny in the media and on the net
WOMEN SPACE how women and women's organizations are using the internet
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