#148: Arms Ban Removal Opens Door to Japanese Weapons Sales to Middle East and Asia (12/20/'04)
#147: Public Debate Should Have Taken Place Prior to Extension of SDF Mission in Iraq (12/13/'04)
#146: Japan's Re-emerging Arms Industry (11/29/'04)
#145: The Dangers of Japan's Modernization Discourse in Asia (11/22/'04)
#144: The Dangers of Japan's Modernization Discourse in Iraq (10/29/'04)
#143: Asia Asks, Where is Japan's "Military" Headed? (10/22/'04)
#142: Japan's Bid for an "Honored" Place in the World (9/28/'04)
#141: Japan's Bid for a UNSC Seat and the Case for Hegemony in East Asia (9/15/'04)
#140: The Day When Japanese Patients Seek Care Elsewhere in Asia (8/30/'04)
#139: Japanese reconstruction effort in Iraq could be plagued by inflated expectations (8/2/'04)
#138: Koizumi Loses "Referendum" (7/27/'04)
#137: Behind Japan's Strategy for a UN Security Council Bid (7/13/'04)
#136: Democracy Far Off for Iraqis (6/29/'04)
#135: Japan and the Implications of a Value Based Foreign Policy (6/25/'04)
#134: Repeating Reagan's Disastrous Legacy in the Middle East (6/9/'04)
#133: Ruling on Chinese Forced Labor in Japan Contrary to International Law (5/31/'04)
#132: Japan's Ranking as the Lowest Among Rich in terms of Commitment to Development Questionable (5/26/'04)
#131: On Reproducing Japan's Economic 'Miracle' in Iraq (4/28/'04)
#130: Hostage Taking Could Push Japan into a Combat Role in Iraq (4/13/'04)
#129: Japan: Married to the US and dating China (4/1/'04)
#128: Japan Guilty of Nuclear Proliferation? (3/23/'04)
#127: Japan's "dysfunctional" social behaviors, are they unique? (3/15/'04)
#126: Reactions to Warnings of a New Economic Threat From the "East" (3/5/'04)
#125: Predicted Backlash from U.S. over Oil Deal with Iran Misplaced (2/25/'04)
#124: JETRO Seeks to Promote Investment in Japan's Cultural Industry (2/20/'04)
#123: The "Freeter" and a Contented Japan? (2/10/'04)
#122: Will Japan's Troop Dispatch to Iraq Trigger Constitutional Revision? (1/30/'04)
#121: Reaction to Bush's State of the Union (1/22/'04)
#120: Japan in Iraq: a Dangerous Proposition (1/16/'04)