#90: Tokyo Market As an International Financial Center: Head of Tokyo Stock Exchange (12/14/'07)
#89: Whether Japanese Business is Globalized in the True Sense (12/7/'07)
#88: International University of Japan's 25th Anniversary Ceremony (11/22/'07)
#87: Dr. Sheila Smith on Japan's Political Change and Japan-US Alliance (11/7/'07)
#86: Mr. Eto, Mr. Tase and Mr. Uesugi on Prospects for Fukuda Administration (10/4/'07)
#85: IAP2M Fall Conference (2007) Report (10/1/'07)
#84: Mr. Yasuo Fukuda vs. Mr. Taro Aso at FCCJ: LDP Presidential Candidates (9/20/'07)
#83: Mr. Takao Toshikawa's Luncheon Talk at FCCJ: "Abe's Successor and the Future of the LDP" (9/14/'07)
#82: Prof. Gerald Curtis' Luncheon Talk at FCCJ: "Japan After Upper House Elections" (8/2/'07)
#81: IAP2M Seminar Report: Prof. Emiko Magoshi on "Cross-cultural Management in Japan" and Prof. Toshihiko Kinoshita on "Japanese Software Industry and Human Resource Management" (4/25/'07)