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Home > Opinions Last Updated: 15:02 03/09/2007
September 2001

Urgent Message from GLOCOM

Shumpei KUMON (Executive Director, GLOCOM)

I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks carried out in the United States on September 11, 2001, and express my heartfelt sympathy to the thousands of men and women who were killed or injured and to the families affected by this horrible tragedy.

At that particular time, I happened to be travelling in the New York area and witnessed the devastating shock that was being experienced emotionally and physically as a result of this horrendous incident. Despite the trauma that people in the United States have faced over the past several days, I have been enormously impressed by their courage and will power to keep faith in freedom and democracy even after receiving severe blows to the very symbols of their military and economic might.

Although ignored by mainstream US media sources I would like to point out, especially to our friends in the US, that our Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has expressed Japan’s resolve to firmly support the American people in their efforts to bring those responsible to justice in full accordance with international human rights and humanitarian law. Furthermore, he has stated that Japan will spare no effort in providing necessary assistance and cooperation to aid the victims.

I join him in this commitment believing that we can overcome these unprecedented difficulties by uniting our efforts and exchanging ideas through our closely knit network of friends and professionals. We, GLOCOM, pledge to work with you side-by-side to ensure that such a tragedy never happens again.

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